So Do Life, have you heard of it? Check it out here at Do Life Movement Be sure to click on the video of Ben at the very bottom right hand side, it's called My 120 pound journey, just a short video but powerful and awesome and inspiring! On the same page (middle far right of the page under Do Life Movement, Ben Does Life) you can also click through to join Do Life 12 Week Challenge, it's only 10 bucks, a measly $10 and you get challenges every week to do and tons of online support. I joined because I think it will be fun and keep me focused and accountable. Also, I like a challenge :D
Week One Theme: Assess, Resolve, and Act
Week 1 Challenges:
Disclaimer!!!***First let me say I was out of town on vacation in Florida (I live in Virginia) when I saw this challenge on the blog. I knew that by taking it on, it was going to be, well, a challenge to get the first week done as I was away and not coming home until 4 days into the first week. But I knew I could get at least the physical activity portion done and that was the most important piece to me. So I signed up and immediately forgot all that I had read about making goals so I'm quickly doing that tonight. I also forgot about writing four things I did well each day so that didn't get done. Okay, enough with the excuses, let's recap this bad boy.***
1. Write down five quantifiable goals for yourself. Emphasis on quantifiable. And they must be realistically achievable within one month (more on this below the challenges).
Assess yourself and write down your current stats in all five areas. Do you want to lose six pounds? Find out exactly where you are now. Do you want to run a 35-minute 5K? Write down your current time. Etc. You might need to get creative with assessments. That's okay. There is no requirement on your goals or your assessments.
My 5 Goals:
* Run 3 days a week (eventual 5K goal time of 30 mins)
* Make healthy food choices each day, eat less
* No beating up for mistakes or making excuses
* Cross train 2 - 4 days a week
* Lose minimum of 5 lbs
Assessments of Goals:
* I typically will run 2 - 3 days a week so this should be doable, however I've really been struggling with my running due to terrible shin splints as well as mentally feeling like I can do it lately so it is physically and mentally challenging to follow through.
* This is another mental challenge for me to eat less/eat for fuel not out of cravings. Making healthy choices is only semi-hard due to cravings and stress eating. Again, doable.
* I've gotten pretty good at not making excuses about anything in my life other than when I need to work out and at talking myself down when I start beating myself up about not doing something perfectly. Practice makes perfect, I work at it.
* Cross training is FUN and there are several classes I love to take, I find my biggest challenge here is time/making excuses about having time.
* I haven't been losing weight
2. By Monday night, get on the floor an do as many pushups as you can. Modified (from your knees) or regular. It doesn't matter how many you can do. Write this number down in a notebook or word document. Pushups will be a "fun" recurring litmus test throughout the 12 weeks.
I did 26 pushups, modified (girly/on the knees style)
3. Beginners: Do 120 minutes of exercise this week. The exercise can be anything physical as long as you're working that heart rate. Walking, running, cycling, rollerblading, yoga, weight-lifting, anything.
Intermediate/Advanced: Add 30 minutes to your average week and push the intensity during those 30 minutes. It doesn't matter if it's five intense minutes during six different workouts or one extra intense 30-minute session.
I chose the beginners and did just over 120 minutes of exercise this week; 130 minutes. It was hard fitting it in with being on vacation/traveling the first 4 days of the challenge but I managed.
Wednesday - 30 mins CrossFit home work out
Friday - 40 min walk, 2 miles
Sunday - 60 min walk, 3 miles
4. Identify your biggest excuse. Write it down on a wall in your house. Then in your notebook write a way to eliminate that excuse. Not enough time in the day? "Eliminate American Idol and Glee." Sorry.
I would say my biggest excuse is not enough time and/or too tired.
5. Each night before bed, write four things you did well that day.
I didn't do this. See disclaimer.
Another thing talked about in the challenge is to get creative and take pictures. I was so focused on just getting done what I could this week and had tunnel vision, so no pictures but I promise to get better about that. Like I've promised to blog more?! Shit, I might be in trouble!
So there it is! I'm pleased to get done what I did. Looking forward to Week 2, pumped for Ben to post those. Anyone want to join me in doing this challenge? Come on!!! I'm off to make some healthy food choices for dinner ;)
go shae!! Aka rockstar!