I think I've mentioned before I have hormonal "issues." As in mine are whack. I've had them under control, mostly, through medication the last 2 years, but something has started to change again in the last 3 months. As per my doctor I keep a running log to document how I feel and when. It's been an extremely useful tool in pinpointing my issues. The current problem is the hormone testing I need done again is $250.00 and is not covered by insurance. Yeah, I don't have the money for that right now and probably won't until the first of the year or even more likely, sometime later in the first half of 2012. That's a really long time to wait when my quality of life has been suffering and will continue to do so. Let's hope I can work it out for that to happen much sooner. I have about 2 really good weeks out of the month and then I have 2 weeks that are rough and tough; a real struggle. It wreaks havoc with my work out schedule as well as just regular life. Some days, during the "off" 2 weeks, the most I can accomplish is getting to work and putting in a full day. I'm not going to lie, it makes everything I do/think/say/accomplish difficult. I'll be glad to get the testing done and modify my meds. It's not surprising this would happen, I am about to turn 39 and have always had relatively serious "female" issues my entire life. From what I hear it just gets better and more fun! I mean I have menopause to look forward to! Please, please tell me you detected my sarcasm?!
So today there was no working out. And let's face it, I NEED it. For my body, for my mind. But some days it's just not doable. So this eve was a raw cookie dough, Bacardi & caffeine free soda, mac 'n cheese, trash tv type of evening. Yep, that's the way it went. I just can't beat myself up about it, shit happens. Tomorrow is another day. As far as work outs, I did have something on my little plan I made for myself but if nothing else happens this week as far as working out, I MUST get in 3 runs. That is the minimum that has to happen each week from here on out til the 6K I'm doing October 6.
Despite my raging hormones I managed to get a lot done at work and with a good attitude. That's something I've cultivated over the last few years since the journey through my divorce and the personal changes I set about making. Previously I would just disconnect fully, work would suffer, my attendance was bad and I completely withdrew. I just couldn't deal, I wasn't equipped emotionally or physically. Luckily I was determined to do whatever I could to change that. And it has changed immensely. This current issue will change too, it WILL get better again.
So I discovered something this evening, so I'll leave you with a song I am totally digging right now.
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