Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hurricane Irene and a Burned Ass+

As we all know, I would think we all would anyway, Hurricane Irene swept the East Coast last weekend and was devastating to many areas. I have family in VA Beach and NY, thankfully everyone fared well, but so many didn't. I've heard this is the worst natural disaster to ever affect (or effect? That's a hard one for me to remember, although I'm usually a grammar nazi) Vermont. I was glued to the weather channel all of Saturday morning and into the afternoon. In Harrisonburg we are protected by the Blue Ridge Mountains so all we had were rain, grey, very overcast skies and a good bit of wind. It was almost like a winter's day and I just wanted to curl up, veg out and watch movies. Which is exactly what my roommate and I did. It was honestly an awesome day, for us. Much needed rest and down time. I'm sort of a weather groupie, I love to keep an eye on it and know what is going on although I am not even anywhere close to being even an amateur meteorologist. My favorite weather sites are NOAA and wxrisk.

I did a really, super, incredibly dumb thing on Saturday morning. My beautiful bronze beach tan was juuust beginning to fade, especially on my face so I decided to take advantage of Beach Bum's free tan day. I was awake at 8am, so thought I'd go on over before they got busy. Their beds are incredible. I chose the Platinum bed because it was too long of a wait for the Diamond. I happily stripped off my clothes and hopped in the bed for the max of 12 minutes. I got out and was looking fab. Went home and not too long later, started hurting. On my ass and boobs. Yep. This dumbass right here didn't think about her ghostly white parts that hadn't seen the sun in eons (I don't normally use a tanning bed and haven't for years). I had burned myself to hell in those areas. It HURT. I'm still so red there I'm almost purple, but at least the pain has subsided as of yesterday. I've never felt more stupid in my life and have been super pissed at myself. How could I not think of that?! Idiot.

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